This is the homepage of The Hacker's Technical Forum. This website and its content are brought to you by the people who congregate in #hacked on Dalnet. Our previous home on the web was dissolved do to a conflict with the host. This gave us a chance to create a new website based on the ideas that had been presenting themselves during operator discussions. The focus for the new site was to eliminate all of the now "cliche" hacker material, and generate an environment that is well recieved by the aged computer security specialist. We wanted to create something with the potential to be so much more than #hacked could ever be. Hopefully, overtime this website will fulfil its purpose. Until then, we will continue to develop its style and content. An introduction to the new concepts for the page can be found in the article below. The
Product of Evolution.doc
The members responsible for the development of this site can be contacted at "[email protected]"