This is a series of questions developed for the members of #hacked on Dalnet. Its purpose was to initiate thought about certain topics that might not have been brought up during channel discussions. Also, the answers were meant to provide as a general concensus of the regulars in #hacked. All of this will be taken into consideration as the new website and projects associated with it are being developed. It's rather obvious that some of the questions were misinterpreted, but the different perceptions add some humor to all of this. (The answers were left "as is", so don't chew me out for having bad grammar. Also, some people answering aren't native to the United States so give them some slack with their use of the language.)
1) If you were given an opportunity by a financial sponsor to develop and promote a computer product (program, system component, etc.), what would it be and why?
b33m -- I would develop an application that allowed seamless integration bewteeen programs of all platforms. I think this would solve many problems with people steriotyping OS's and saying that they wont run one because the applications they like arnt ported to it. They would be able to choose the OS they like, not
the one which had the application they happened to need.
bioscrash -- It would be speakers. You NEED a good sound system.
cowtip00 -- It would be another windows system that i could make better.
darkworm -- It'd have to be linux really wouldn't it.
ddhd -- If I was given a opportunity by a financial sponsor to develop and premote
a computer product it would be a Linux distribution. For the simple fact one worthy of media attention hasn't been created.
dosspider -- Wireless networking. It's actually a pet project of mine, and just because it'd be smooth as hell to have car's all wired together and tied into a server with nothing but Mp3's, selective radio.
encrypt -- A mind-computer interface. Imagine how much faster and more efficiently
you could do things if you could control a computer by thought? No more
typing, maybe not need to stare at a screen, just have it all feed
directly to/from your mind.
FIP -- It would be a video game
gated -- The OpenSource Community. Because I strongly believe in its goals and
jazzb -- The Unix Operating System
karoscene -- I dont think i would try to produce anything new, I would probably spend the
money trying to make more people aware (ie: advertising) of the alternatives they
have to Microsoft's various OS'. Let's face it, Microsoft makes good peripheral
devices and their Office suite is ok, but as far as their OS' go, there are by
far several better choices out there for people. (IE: MacOS for new users, unix
clones for networking where required.)
mad17 -- I would have to say a storage device that is about the size of a 2 gig IDE drive but it holds a terabyte of data
and it would have to be cheap (fast also) the reason i would make it is because i need a cheap and fast storage device
and if i made one then i would get one for free.
m0le -- I'd have to choose to write some sort of Unix program designed to assist
people in some sort of networking scenario just because I like Unix
(despite the fact I don't get to use it as much as I'd like).
oldy -- It would be to product new CPU in cooper ( IBM/CYRIX project) for lower prices...
opaque -- I would develop software for home automation. It would have to have an external hub-like device that all of the appliances hooked into (unless I could find a way to make it wireless and affordable at the same time). The software would enable a single or multiple computers to direct communication between all of the appliances on the house's new network. Also, if a user wanted to dial into the house network there would have to be a strong form of security (i.e. encryption). One of the most important features to this product would be voice recognition capabilities. I chose this product because I see this type of field becoming an efficient, affordable, and unavoidable reality.
phoenix-ikx -- It would have to be an IQ-based lock for my computer. If the person trying
to gain access does not have an IQ higher than...say...15, it would shoot
out some tazers and stun the person for an hour or so. This would help keep
my borther of the computer...
phreaked -- I would have to pick some type of hardware that gave u a virtual orgasim...
everyone would buy it and i would become one rich horney mo fo.
twistedps -- I would have to say something that helps out disabled people.... I mean computers are such a great thing and I don't know how so many people who don't have sight or can type cn miss out on this technology. So as I said before I would develop something that would make more disabled people more efficient with computers.
wisp -- I generaly dont promote or distribute the software i develop. However, if i was going to sell and develop a program then i would either make somthing that the user could use or the admin. I would develop a dos-based enviorment, that would basicly kill the idea of using windows (the scourge of the computing world today). For the admin I would want to make a utility program with lot of options and a user-friendly interface (either a killer object for the NT platform, or terminal implementation for *nix platfroms). The program would feature devices that would monitor and make running a system easier.
2) What got you interested in the field of computers?
b33m -- I became interested in computer while watching the movie Hackers, as sad as it sounds, i believed all of it. Until i became more interested in the technical aspects of computers, not the persona of a computerhacker brought on by television.
bioscrash -- My dad.
cowtip00 -- i dont know i just got intressted with them when i was little i gues i thought i was like a nintendo or something
darkworm -- Programming in Basic on the old Amstrad CPC6128.
ddhd -- When I was 5 our classroom had a Apple ][e. I liked it and spent all my
free time on it.
dosspider -- Friendly Ware.(you oldschool people will remember this) it was a game that came on a 5.25 diskette.
encrypt -- A sick and twisted fascination with wizards/magic, and the realization
that the sort of power they have in RPG's and in movies doesn't exist in
real life, and then being introduced to programming :) A programmer is
like a wizard... the programs he writes is the spell, the code is his
spellbook. The longer a programmer works at it, the better his art
becomes. And a good programmer can do just about anything with a
computer... a real-life wizard.
Wierd point of view, maybe, but it's mine.
FIP -- games. no,just kidding... Programming (C++ & java)
gated -- My elite apple IIe and BASIC skills at the age of 8
jazzb -- Once i bought my first computer, and i saw the potential of these very incredible machines i couldn't resist.
karoscene -- Heh, games, motherfuckin games not workin on my C64, and i wanted to know why. It all sprouted from that.
mad17 -- when i heard you can get free porn on the internet.
m0le -- Well, my mother taught a computer class in my elementary school which
sparked a slight interest which snowballed into an even larger interest in
computers as the year progressed.
oldy -- Artificial IntelligencY
opaque -- Well, like everyone, I saw movies as a child and wanted to emulate what the computer people were doing in them. Also, there were few local people that knew anything intimate about computers. I can vividly remember how these people were viewed with complete awe and were thought to be untouchable geniuses. I wanted to know what was so special about these people... I wanted to beable to do what they did. I had tried to understand how computers worked (without reading about them) many times... giving up each time because I couldn't grasp the concepts. In the summer of '96 I finally buckled down and devoted all of my time to reading and understanding every last word of a book on computer science (it focused on binary communication and the language of Pascal). It felt so good when I finished that book.. I was hooked.
phoenix-ikx -- Probably my biggest influence would be Arthur C. Clarke's character H.A.L.
from 2001: A Space Odyssey :)
phreaked -- I would have to say the main thing that got me interested in computers would have to be my computer teacher in 7th grade... man she was so fucking hot.. i just wanted to fuck her any wich way... and in 7th grade u were always horney... so all i did was practice stuff for her class... so i could kiss up to her... and i began to actually like computers... and when i realized i could view pron on the net and shit... well it was all over then... computers become my life...
twistedps -- I saw a ol' Apple II one day and I was hooked! I wanted to see what I can do with this machine and how it works and the best thing is It would listen and do things that I told it to. Ever since then I've been on comp. 24-7 :)
wisp -- I got my first mac classic at the age of 5. After that i got my interest back in the fifth grade, when my school got its taste of the multimedia movement. From there on i was hooked. No i sleep with my computers.
3) What do you foresee happening in the world of computers within the next 10 years? (explain why)
b33m -- I personally see more and more people leaning twards open source operating systems because of more applications being ported to them, and the fact that that an upgrade, not the whole install mind you, would run them over $150.
bioscrash -- I see it growing at a very fast pace. Everything will be user friendly. The world will be one large computer. Just look at the last 10 years.
cowtip00 -- heh, the computers will controll everything
darkworm -- PC's getting faster (duh). No really, I recon that PDA's are gonna die, well at least until they get more powerful, and i mean a hell of a lot more. PC's, Well Something big is gonna happen sooner or later, because if it doesn't then it isn#t gonna sell. We have too many bottlenecks lying round in an IBM machine. We need to sort it out!
ddhd -- I forsee +1000mhz processors with +1 terrabyte of hdd space and +3gigs of
memory, because people always want power.
dosspider -- Well. I believe colleges will start offering degrees in "Data-Liberation" and things like that. The 'freelance hacker'(i use the term lightly) will become a job position. Other than that, hardware is gonna advance, fractals probably gonna start playing a key. VR will start emerging with higher bandwith lines...
encrypt -- It's hard to say... more and more people are doing things, and the world
is becoming more computer-dependent.
I can see MS losing some of their dominance in the OS market. They may
get smaller, but I can't see them getting stamped out any time soon.
Computers will get faster, we know that they're improving them
constantly, plus IBM has already made that 1100Mhz cpu this past year.
The world is becoming more computer dependent. More people are
programming and putting out stuff, some good, some bad (look at all the
trojans and viruses out there... CIH is interesting)
In the immediate future, New Years 2000 should be fun. Then we'll see
how seriously businesses took the millenium bug (my money is all being
taken out of my bank accounts the day before... just in case. maybe I'll
invest it in gold...). With all the work being done in AI and alife, we
may see some really interesting robotics or programs produced.
Encryption will likely be a bigger issue in the next few years, as more
and more people want their privacy... there's an infinite number of
things that may happen.
FIP -- more speed,more bugs [i.e. Microsoft Windows 00 (2000)],more...
gated -- Hopefully a global standard.
jazzb -- Tremendous jumps in technology concerning processor speeds, and storage space.
karoscene -- Hrmm, well, i dont follow the computer news that much, but, i would say open
source software is going to force big changes. Also may see some large companies
combine technologies to bring forth some wicked new ideas.
mad17 -- i see computers comming out as small as a palmtop now but with the storage space/speed or a reg size computer now
m0le -- I personally, see an extreme explosion of the technology "predicted" in
certain 'cyberpunk' literature. The reason for this is because it seems to
be getting pretty close as is it is, why couldn't it happen? :)
oldy -- The logical thinking will be introduce in the copmputers. why? Because i will do it...
opaque -- I honestly feel that things will become more "SciFi" (atleast by today's standards). I see home, office, and corporate automation becoming popular. I can see many new companies becoming household names. I truely feel that Microsoft will remain a noticeable entity, but that its status will take a beating. I also see computers becoming small enough (and yet affordable) to replace notepads and schedulebooks. All of this will be due to prices going down, and technology getting "smarter"(better memory manipulation, better class and system libraries, ect.).
phoenix-ikx -- Privacy, privacy, privacy (and the lack thereof), imo, will be one of the
key issues in that time. I also see slight changes (such as high bandwidth
access in most homes and in the speed of hardware, but nothing too
phreaked -- In ten years the world of computers will be to much for us to realize... at the rate technology has gone in this day and age the future will be amazing... im not sure what it will be like... though it will be something that involves our minds alot more then our fingers...
twistedps -- Peace...
wisp -- There is deffinatly going to be ALOT of innovation in the visual field. I am looking for a new kernel version from linus. There will be ALOT of development as far as the internet, and even more in the get-rid-of-the-keyboard theory
4) If you had the chance to travel back in time 15 years, what would be the one computer product you would choose to bring with you and why?
b33m -- My question is, why would i want to bring somthing back? I would like to go into the future and look at what products WILL be, otherwise i could just search around enough and find what i am looking for...just 15 years older.
bioscrash -- I would take back DOS. DOS is a man's best friend.
cowtip00 -- i would make windows becouse then i could be rich
darkworm -- My laptop, so i can sell the "shit hot" machine, patent it and make loads of money.
ddhd -- I was a fetus 15 years ago.
dosspider -- Well that depends, if money is no object, Cray-3, just to show them all what's possible.
encrypt -- Does future knowledge of the value of Intel and MS stock count? If not,
then a modern computer and info on secure encryption that was current at
that time... imagine how paranoid the NSA would be?
FIP -- If I bring anything back in the past,it'll change the future
gated -- I dont like this question.
jazzb -- punchards?
karoscene -- I'd probably just bring a few issues of Wired, Phrack, and Hustler, should be self explanatory.
mad17 -- a laptop so i could show how it works to my family and it would make them rich and i would have a better computer.
m0le -- I'd have to choose my laptop because I use it for about everything.
oldy -- i think i will take DeepBlue with me, to show them that such computer are realisable, and for they work more of logical system...
opaque -- I would probably bring a Palm Pilot with me. I feel that enough people today are so amazed with the capabilities of such a small device, that it would surely blow the socks off of computer nerds 10 years ago. It would obviously push the limits of today's technology much farther.
phoenix-ikx -- I would bring with me netbus 1.7 and implant it in the software used to
control Bill Gate's house as well as Stephen Hawkin's wheelchair and speech
software (*evil grin*)
phreaked -- I would bring a dec alpha machine and fuckin root NASA and the NSA...
twistedps -- I don't know if any of the software would run on the computers back 15 years ago! But I would bring UNIX!
wisp -- I would probobly get an old commie 64 or an apple 2e. Two great machines. A 386 might look good near the pink floyd poster;)
5) Explain your technique for staying up all hours of the night. (If you don't do so, explain why.)
b33m -- Personall i space out after about 4AM, sometimes i try caffene, but that rarely helps, i just try to keep myself busy and listen to some music and play video games while i code or whatnot.
bioscrash -- Drink a hell of a lot of SURGE.
cowtip00 -- Make programs and build webpages and make cool graphics
darkworm -- Smoke lots of ciggarettes, and drink huge amounts of coffee, always seems to work for me!
ddhd -- My technique is I get real interested in something, and when I do theres
no possible way for me to fall asleep.
dosspider -- Just a nite time person. But if you wanna get late nite? Jolt, or Mnt Dew(The poor-man's jolt), cheap pizza, and something interesting.
encrypt -- Classical music and a glass of juice. Tchaikovsky kicks ass.
FIP -- I don't have any technique,I just do it
gated -- Crack and Cheap Prostitutes.
jazzb -- I don't, because I have some what of a social life.
karoscene -- I dont usually have a problem stayin awake if i have something to work on,
or read.
mad17 -- Well if i sit in front of the computer long enough the glare from the screen keeps my eyes open and if i am doing something intersting.
m0le -- My technique is simple: caffeine and T.V./movies and my computer. With the
combination of these three things, I can usually make it all night. I stay
up just because I can't stand to sleep unless I *really* need it.
oldy -- smoke smoke smoke smoke Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke smoke Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce smoke smoke smoke smoke
smoke smoke smoke smoke Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce smoke smoke smoke smoke
smoke smoke smoke smoke Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce Orange Juce smoke smoke smoke smoke
opaque -- All you have to do is keep yourself busy, really. Just set goals for what has to be accomplished before you even entertain the idea of going to sleep.
phoenix-ikx -- I don't usually stay up late at night unless there are some good cartoon
shows on :) I have found that during late hours, security folks are up and
watching more carefully...during the day, there's so much traffic, they
won't usually notice the occassional grep command :)
phreaked -- I dont really stay up that late anymore.. cause u know im getting old and all the little kiddie's out there have to much energy.. though when i do stay up all hours of the night i get really fucking high...
twistedps -- Porn, Mnt. Dew, Jolt, Doritos(cool ranch), and of corse the needles
wisp -- Ok, first take two tablets of ephedra. That will stimulate the heart and the adrenal glans a then can after can of mountain dew or jolt.
6) If you were a computer, what type would you be and why? (i.e. what OS type)
b33m -- I would be a dual pii450 with 256MB edo ram, voodooII16MB sound card, bitchin speaker system, 32' monitor, 47gig SCSI hard drive, cd-rw, and all the trimmings, i would also most likely end up dual booting windows95, and a a linux, primarily using the linux, but occcasionaly going to the windows system for application use.
bioscrash -- I would be FreeBSD. I have heard seen only the best from it.
cowtip00 -- heh. probly a linux computer and stuff
darkworm -- I would be Win98, because at this point in my life I am unstable, I get bugged very easily, and for some reason I piss everyone off.
ddhd -- If I was a computer I would be a pii450 running Linux, because I am faster
and smarter than the average user *ego kicking in*.
dosspider -- Who knows, Ghost in the Machine i guess. ;)
encrypt -- Windows 95/98... it suits my personality (frustrating other people is
amusing) Then again, I like knowing and learning things, so any *nix system with
internet access would be cool.
FIP -- Deep Blue [I'd rather be a famous computer (whose only work is to play a game) than a small PC with Win 3.1 in a family]
gated -- I would be an intergraph running SunOS. Because I owned one a year
ago and it was a completely wonderfull experiance.
jazzb -- I would be an Alpha processor based computer. With FreeBSD!!!!
karoscene -- Probably a 486/33 runnin OS2 Warp, i like to be different.
mad17 -- *(there was no comment)
m0le -- I'd have to be a Linux system. A nice little cozy Linux box just because,
like most people (or so it seems lately), I really like Linux a lot and
would just have to be one! Or like an A.I. in _Neuromancer_ ;) (i.e.
oldy -- i will be the most powerfull computer and without any OS, just a disk boot ( i don't care witch OS BOOT) to grow up as i want
opaque -- I would be an Apple Macintosh because I'm friendly, I don't tend to steal the show (I don't make a spectacle of myself), and I am reliable for the most part.
phoenix-ikx -- I would be a Heuristic ALgorithmic (i.e. HAL) computer running the standard software for the 9000 series.
phreaked -- I would be the deep blue comp that beat that chess guy... i have no idea what OS that thing runs..
twistedps -- I would be a packard bell, because I would allways needed to be fixed... Like chips being put in my motherboard :)
'cause I would be running Win95... even though it really isn't a OS... Then It would be DOs I guess..
wisp -- I would be any machine running on an AMD-K6-2-350. It is the processor that i currantly use. I would boot BSD/linux type of platform (the two are somwhat similar).
7) According to the test results of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), U.S. students ranked 28th (last place) in the math section, and 18th in the science section. What changes would you make to the education process to alter this?
b33m -- I personally think that the US education system is fine. Its not the system who is failing the students, but the students who are failing the system. So many kidds these days have gotten the idea that they can just not do work, drop out of school, and have a great life. Well they are sadly mistaken when now a 2 year college degree is becoming a bare mimimum to make a good living for yourself. There are always exceptions, but for the most part, its the students who think they are too cool to do the work.
bioscrash -- Privatize the education system.
cowtip00 -- do good on my math test
darkworm -- Fuck it, just drop maths, you are either excellent at maths or shit at it (I am unfortunately the latter)
ddhd -- Nothing, US Sucks.
dosspider -- I think we should make football more math oriented. Make the number of points you get relative to the distance you've traveled, diveded by the number of plays it took to get you there, times the number of players on the other team during the entire game up to this point, and then subtract the total number of players on your team up to this point in the game from that. Well, that or project mathmatical patterns at people from birth and hope they subconciously understand them.
encrypt -- I'm not American, and Canada did pretty damned well in that study :)
But to help, I'd put more emphasis on math and science throughout the
school system, especially in elementary, as that's when people pick up
things the fastest.Math is fundamental to most sciences, so start there.
Make it compulsory for graduation from high school. And push for
science/math, maybe try to make it look less "geeky". Let people know
that science/math is the best thing you can go for.
FIP -- N/A
gated -- N/A
jazzb -- It should raise standards. The average high school student doesn't know his core cirriculum in mathematics to survive in college. Make it much tougher.
karoscene -- Send em to Canada.
mad17 -- N/A
m0le -- I'd make the education process a more free learning environment. As opposed
to being sort of "brainwashed" to be 'happy, shiny people who love those
cool biased teachers' :)
oldy -- More philosophy. Because you can't understand anythings without metaphisical reflexion, and the philosophy learn you the logic too.
opaque -- I feel that we're at a time where science and math are becoming more relevant than some of the other subjects. Not to say they are better, but that our lives are based mostly around these two things. I feel that more time should be devoted strictly to these two subjects in school. I feel that the methods of teaching these subjects should be reexamined... I feel it should be more about the students figuring out the methods used to get a product, rather than having them spewed out at them in a monotone style of voice.
phoenix-ikx -- Stop the ignorant and fucked up people in the US from breeding...
phreaked -- Well first off i would kill everyone that beleaves elvis is alive... second kill anyone that lives in a building that has more rats then people... and third make marijuana legal..
twistedps -- I would erase the 8 in "28th" and "18th" hehe
wisp -- I would teach mathamatics at a younger age (try to work on algerbra etc.). and i would start stating concpets easier. Education bores me and this is true for about 80% of people in any school system.
8) In your opinion, what was the most important advancement of the computer industry in 1998 and why?
b33m -- I personally think that the biggest advancment in the computer industry was the wide spread of open source code and operating systems, if you could call that an advancement. I think the computing industry is beginning to realize that you dont need to spend excess amounts of money to have a quality system. I think in turn this should slowiy bring down the worth of computer stocks.
bioscrash -- The advancment of the internet.
cowtip00 -- Visual C++ 6
darkworm -- The Introduction of a lot of help in the linux world, Intel, Corel, and IBM to name just a few. Linux use has risen like 225% in the last year or something!
ddhd -- From Pentium (586), to Pentium Pro (686), and then to Pii (686+MMX)
dosspider -- Well, they're doing some kickass AI work, and they've got 'wet' work going on in a few selective labs. Meaning growing cells on computer chips...This is the way of the future imho, you can't get much faster than we've got right now, without burning up equipment, so we need new tech.
encrypt -- Not really sure, I don't tend to keep things chronological in terms of
when something was created/introduced.
Off the top of my head, I'd say Sun winning in it's lawsuit against MS.
It's a blow to MS's monopoly, one that means they've lost some power,
because now they have to comply with a programming language that runs on
their OS as well as on others, and that they can't change the Java
language to make it fit only Windows. It also proves that MS isn't God,
and can break contracts whenever they like.
FIP -- N/A
gated -- I havent seen any advancement from 97 to 98.
jazzb -- I think the biggest advancement has to be the
karoscene -- I dont follow technology closely, and cant think of anything new in the last
year off the top of my head that I personally would consider "important".
mad17 -- I would have to say the dvd drive for the computer. because now i dont have to leave my computer to watch movies.
m0le -- Hrmm. I'd have to say that the release of Windows 98 and Back Orifice was
pretty important, although I hate to admit it. The only reason these two
things were really important was because it showed that Microsoft isn't the
oh-so-great company all the computer illiterate zombies make them out to be
and that Windows isn't as secure as everyone wants to believe.
oldy -- I don't really now witch things i could say because nothing really changes, just the asically think became better... a really important things would be a new things
opaque -- I feel that some of the best products developed this year, aren't even known to most people. I would have to say that I think the Nano CD shows the most promise. An asian professor (forgot the college) developed the technology to take a cd the size of a penny and enable it to hold over 350 times that of a regular CD (seriously). I read about it first in Popular Science, and saw a few other articles on it else where.
phoenix-ikx -- Offhand, I can't really think of anything.
phreaked -- Virtual Valery II was the best advancement in the computer industry for 1998... It was a virtual pron game... and u got to fuck the shit outta this cartoon chick...
twistedps -- The Voice Recognition software...
wisp -- The development of the internet - Everything is at our fingertips. Everything is free, everything is easier. The internet rocked the world with its outcome and philosphy. Now that the majority of the world is on an internet service provider. and needs to be educated about the use of the internet.
9) What is the one feature that you would like to see computers be capable of performing in the near future and why?
b33m -- One feature I would like to see in computers is more compadibility. Who likes sitting there screwing with code for hours just to port somthing from freebsd to linux. Its horrible if you have ever had to do it. I think there should be an international standard decided upon, and let everything work from there, or atleast some variant of it.
bioscrash -- Good speach reconistion. Does everything by voice. Open window, run program, etc etc.
cowtip00 -- Fast becouse my computer is fast but i would want it to go faster
darkworm -- Actually managing to get me outta bed inb the morning/evening/afternoon. No humanoid can do that yet!!!
ddhd -- I would like to see a chip that is fast, and doesn't run super hot like
the pii's.
dosspider -- Wetware. I'm SciFi all the way. Lets jack in and keep it as real as possible.
encrypt -- Interfacing with the mind! I'm lazy. Having some kind of security, like
a system checksumming to tell you if a program has been tampered with
would be nice too. That way, if implemented properly, a lot of problems
like viruses or trojans, backdoors, etc. can be detected easier. This
hasn't been done that I know of, mostly because I think it's slow if you
have a lot of files, or files that change a lot. But this could be
effective in any OS around, so could be extremely valuable.
FIP -- doiing your college applictions
gated -- Voice Recognition. Because Im Lazy.
jazzb -- I would like computers to be more reliable. (Well technically speaking, not computers, but operating systems). Because too many rely on these machines which at times malfunction.
karoscene -- Reliable speech recognition, cause im lazy.
mad17 -- there is no feature i would like to see in the future everything i need right now i have and computers can perform allmost anything
m0le -- I'd really like to see more people using Unix based operating systems. And
to see more support in both hardware and software for Unix and its clones
oldy -- talking. That will show that the computer can think...
opaque -- I would like to see the computer become more personal. This would include talking (like conversations), remembering its user's preferences to things outside of the digital world, and beable to stand the test of travel and weather.
phoenix-ikx -- Assuming people were trained to use them appropriately, I would like to see
some thought recognition stuff. Hehe. On a more realistic note, wearable
computers are getting more and more wearable...a system which could be worn
seamlessly without anyone knowing you were on the computer would be
great...and the potential is great.
phreaked -- One thing that would be amazing for computers to be cable of doing would be artifical thought... Somethign that could talk to you and understand what ur saying.. something that could solve deseases like aids and shit... cause then u could fuck alot more...
twistedps -- Teleportation :)
wisp -- Speed, I want to see more development in this field. When personal computers run faster the price will go down and more customers will be satified.
10) If you could have entry to any system in existence (past, present, future), which one would it be and why?
b33m -- I personally would like to be allowed into the AOL/STRATUS internal LAN. I would really like to see what makes AOL tick, how they handle all thier routing, and how they deal with the immense load created by all thier users.
bioscrash --
Most secure and the best. Lots of nice stuff to read :) (the best I can think of)
cowtip00 -- present.
darkworm -- it'd have to be the pentagon really wouldn't it, kinda like the 8th wonder of the world that would be!
ddhd -- This is a hard one... I want access to the worlds fastest computer (which
happens to be a NEC). It has 2 air conditioners to keep it cool, and it looks like my house.
dosspider -- Human Brain. and fuck all that 'hack your own brain shit' But just the sheer volume of information it processes amazes me and i wanna see how it all works.
encrypt -- The NSA's system. They supposedly spend more money on computers,
cryptography and security/surveilance than any other single entity in
the world. It'd be really interesting to see the info they have on their
systems... experts think that with all the research they do on crypto,
that they're a few years ahead of the rest of the world. It's possible
that they can crack PGP in a matter of minutes. So little is known about
the NSA, and so much is said, I'd like to find out what is true and what
isn't. Plus, you might learn other things, like who shot JFK (ever
wonder?), etc, and intelligence gathered on other countries from their
communications systems.
FIP -- N/A
gated -- - because theres a picture of ^Zero and a
small pony on there that ive been dying to see.
jazzb -- a government system with information on the secret alliances, events, organizations, hehe
karoscene -- I dont know of any systems that would really have anything i wish to see.
Although, I'd personally like to know if Bill Gate's own PC crashes as much
on average as the rest of the people whom run Windows X as the main OS, and,
if it does....., who does Bill curse?
mad17 -- i think i would want access to a sparc running SunOS on a T1 connection and also a CDW and a tun of cd's so i could download anything i wanted and put it on cd's then take it home.
m0le -- OMG, I'd have to hax0r the Gibson! j/k. No, really, though. Since I have a
sudden, extreme obsession with _Neuromancer_, I'd probably want to be able
to penetrate the Sense/Net Construct mentioned in the novel only because
it'd be so damned l33t. =)
oldy -- Reaserch System as MIT to know what are the last innovations...
opaque -- I'd like to have access to the computers at the L0pht. They have some nice toys (me want in).
phoenix-ikx -- I would have to say that I'd want access into my old laptop before it was
erased by Circuit City, so that I could remove my old porn and documents ;)
phreaked -- I would love to get hold of the NSA's database....
twistedps -- - I'm not a fan of windows
wisp -- The hubble telescope, our gateway to the universe, our telescope into the great beyond. Needs to be infiltrated because it is just sitting there, a field left unexplored (by most hackers) is satalite. I would like to see more innovation.